
Beer styles: English and Belgian style ales
Origin: Sovereign is a new UK aroma variety grown in low trellis as "dwarf hops"
Agronomics: 1400-1700 kg/ha, complete natural resistance to hop aphids
Alpha acids: 5.0-6.0 %
Beta acids: 2.5-3.0 %
Co-humulone: 25-29 % of alpha acids
Total oil: 0.7-0.9 ml / 100 grams
Aroma: pleasant hoppy, slightly fruity note
Myrcene: 25-30 % of whole oil
Caryophyllene: 7-9 % of whole oil
Humulene: 23-26 % of whole oil
Farnesene: 3-4 % of whole oil
Brewing characteristic: aroma hops with good aroma profile used mainly to replace Fuggle
Recommended use and hopping: as pellets type 90, third hopping, dry hopping