
Beer styles: mainly American style ales as well as lagers
Origin: Crystal is a triploid variety that was bred by U.S.D.A. from Hallertauer, Northern Brewer and Early Green hop varieties. It is grown primarily in Oregon.
Agronomics: 1400-2000 kg/ha
Alpha acids: 3.5-6.5 %
Beta acids: 4.5-6.5 %
Co-humulone: 20-26 % of alpha acids
Total oil: 1.0-1.5 ml / 100 grams
Aroma: tangerine and citrus
Myrcene: 40-65 % of whole oil
Caryophyllene: 4-8 % of whole oil
Humulene: 18-24 % of whole oil
Farnesene: <1 % of whole oil
Brewing characteristic: aroma variety with well balanced bitterness, citrusy aroma
Recommended use and hopping: as leaf hops or pellets type 90, third hopping, dry hopping